Copyright Policy

Your Responsibility When Using Logo Foundry
We strive mightily to provide useful and accurate information to help users cope with their own legal needs. But laws and procedures change frequently and are subject to differing interpretations. Logo Foundry (doing business as Logo Foundry or (“we,” “us,” or “our“) makes no claim that all information on this site is up to date. It is your responsibility to make sure that anything you read here is accurate, up-to-date and applies to your situation. If you use information on this site, before relying on it, it is wise for you to check the information with an authoritative source.

Copyright Policy for Site Content
Logo Foundry provides the information on this site to be read by anyone, but retains the copyright on all text and graphics. To use this information in any other way, you must strictly follow these guidelines.

Site Content Use
As long as it is for your own personal use only, you may print copies of this information, store the files on your computer, and use hypertext links to reference the information. Any other use or redistribution is strictly prohibited.